GDPR Sub-processors

Updated: July 13, 2023

List of Authorized Subcontractors

Persado (the “Processor”) uses the subprocessors below (referred to as Authorized Subcontractors in the EU Data Processing Addendum between Persado and Controller (the “Addendum”)), to access and Process Personal Data and assist Persado in providing its Services to Controller:

Akamai Technologies, Inc
Provide Cloud security, CDN (Content Delivery Network) and WAF (Web Application Firewall) services.

Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Hosting provider for the application; Primary storage of application data and backups.
Call recording, email analysis

Intercom, Inc.
Provide customer support to registered users with targeted content, product guides, and in-app messages.

Microsoft Azure
Hosting provider for the application; Primary storage of application data and backups.

Single Sign On provider., Inc.
Analyze user behavior while utilizing the application; Provide guides and application notices.

Analytics and reporting platform.

Training platform.

Provide data exchange and analytics service.

Stripe, Inc.
Provide billing, subscription management and hosted-payment pages for web payments.

Project management tool.